What is SMM (Social Media Marketing)?

Definition of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is all the marketing efforts done on social media platforms in order to promote a particular product or service. But to actually define Social Media Marketing, these few words won't be enough. Since this is a blog dedicated solely to Social Media Marketing, let's dive a little deep into the topic of Social Media Marketing.

How do Social Media Marketing works?

Social Media Marketing gives the opportunity of promoting and engaging customers on a personal level since literally post snaps of their personal life on social media, this gives companies and businesses to understand their customers on a significantly better level.  It has been scientifically proven that visual information which is interactive is the highest effective mode of communication, which is the case of social media marketing, a business can literally display its product digitally in front of its audience and the audience has the freedom to interact with the product like criticize, appreciate, like, dislike, share etc. This gives not only marketers but the customers to bone more efficiently with the brand and helps customers to understand the product in a much better way. 

In can be understood by three basic aspects of social media marketing 

1. Impression

As this term is self-explanatory, the impression in social media marketing is a term used for the first sighting of your ad or your promotion on the social media platform, this could be your social media post or a paid ad.  

2. Engagement

Engagement is the term used when a user engages with your promotion, like giving a like, sharing your content, leaving a comment review, clicking on an attached link/button etc.

3. Conversion

Conversion is the term that is dependent upon your social media marketing goal, for eg, if your goal was to get a follower, so the moment when your promotion/ad leads a user to follow you, this is where the term conversion is going to be used, Basically, the achieving the end step of the social media campaign is called a conversion.

Most important aspects of social media marketing


Strategy is the very first aspect of any planned execution,  so we need to have some kind of strategy before planning on having a social media campaign in place.

 A strategy need to have a specific goal, setting top notch benchmarks in a measurable environment. 

Not have a strategy may lead to a lot of time and effort bleed and even money to bleed if going for paid social media marketing.

Planning and Publishing

Planning, of course, should be the second step, because social media marketing is called as the sniper rifle of digital marketing, because of its power and accuracy, but we all know being a sniper is the bang opposite of child's play. Coming back to social media marketing, you cannot just go out and post the content without having a plan or a motive behind it. 

Before you move forward have a clear

-Audience in mind

-Content for engagement

-All over the image of business/service


This is the aspect that decides the total potential of  your social media campaign and will also let you know the impact of your business on a potential customer since this is the part where a potential customer can have an opinion about your product and can share it with you, this part also helps in improvising since engaging with the customer also allows you to trim off the rough edges according to the preference of the customer 

Engagement can help you to:

-make your product better 

-get more accurate insight

-find industry's trend 


This aspect is most crucial in the growth of business because analytics gives you a quantitative measurement of your social media marketing campaign. 

This is very crucial when we need to understand:

-Audience behaviour

-Customer acquisition

-Customer's intent

-Competitor's analysis

-Window of improvement 

Analytics also makes it concrete what works best for us, so we can effort in the right direction without bleeding money, time and effort.


Now this aspect is most important when branding is involved in the nature of your business. Advertising in social media marketing can be roughly categorised in two parts. 

This type of advertising is activities naturally done in order to promote on a social media platform, which includes 

Posting relative content

Using hashtags

Working algorithmically

This type of advertising is all the promotional activities done on a social media platform, these include

Running a paid ad campaign

Display ads

Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Youtube ads, etc

Why Social Media Marketing is important for business?

Social Media Marketing as above mentioned is the sniper rifle of digital marketing, because of its accuracy and high calibre, now the question comes to, do your business needs social media marketing?

The answer is yes since all the  billionaires have this mantra where they say the real money is at the bottom of  the pyramid, which means the final consumer is the one in the majority, and social media is filled with the people at the bottom of the pyramid, 

Social media is very effective in

-Increasing brand awareness

-Boosting website traffic

-Regular engagement with the target audience 

-Keeping you aware of market trends and insights   

Not only this, since social media is a stage to showcase your work and psychology says that visual memories are the strongest and branding's most powerful weapon is visual marketing, and social media is all about visuals and sound, I mean as for "Apple" when you hear this name, what comes first in your mind, over 80% of you reading this will have an image of a company which makes expensive and quality electronics goods in mind rather than the fruit, this is what is called branding and this was acquired by visual representations, Now social media presents you with same.

Important Notes

This is a never-ending topic, but I have an extension for this blog which will explain how top  social media platforms can help  you grow  and much more,  But more of it next week till then check my previous blogs on

Also, follow me on IG 

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